The Windmill presents:
Happy Birthday Carly Rae!
Entry Requirements: 18+
It's Carly Rae Jepsen's Birthday and we're having a party!
LIVE BAND CARLYAOKE - oh yes, we're getting a band to learn a selection of Carly Rae's top songs to have a karaoke session to remember
SAMxEMMA - Superb hyperpop duo from Manchester. Having played various festivals over the summer including Great Escape, Kendal Calling and Blue Dot, they make their London live debut on this special night!
VANITY FAIRY - It's the Disco Queen herself. 'Love From Above' EP is out now on Moshi Moshi Records.
PINK EYE CLUB - Debut album Disco Reality out now on Blang Records.
DJ playlist: Carly Rae Jepsen
8 - Pink Eye Club
845 Vanity Fairy
930 Samxemma
1015 Live Band Carlyaoke with The Orchestra (For Now)