The Windmill presents:
GRÓA (Iceland)
Entry Requirements: 18+
So pleased to have this brilliant band back at the Windmill!
GRÓA (Iceland)
GRÓA is a trio/quartet that merges elements of alternative post-punk, noise-rock and art-pop with absolute abandon, arriving at an explosive yet magnificently arranged sound.
While their songs endlessly veer off into unexpected and sublimely jarring directions, all of GRÓA’s music reveals the deep sense of purpose behind their nonstop experimentation: a profound desire to shatter limitations, dismantle worn-out patterns and narrow ways of thinking, and uncover new possibilities for living without restraint in an all-too-rigid world.
For the past three years GRÓA has been playing a lot, they have done Europe tours and played a couple of times in the US. Their live shows are about the communal experience. By releasing emotions, raw energy, love for music and creativity the room fills with energy. This spring they will be touring their newest album which will be out in early 2025. They will give all they’ve got and put everything into this tour. Prepare for a blast while it lasts, which it will, forever while GRÓA is on this earth. The band's motto is energy, energy, energy, which is exactly what they want, and do, bring to their live show.
Plus guests tbc